I have discovered a website called Reedsy.
Reedsy helps writers/authors find professionals to help connect with editors, book cover designers, publicists, etc. to help a writer down the path to getting published.
I suppose if I was famous or even confident enough I could run off in search of a literary agent and publisher, but since Oids is my first effort, it’s a best of a book and I’m not really sure what I’ve got (market potential and story structure wise) I think it’s best to have a professional editor work through it and help fix major issues before taking any other steps.
I have successfully used Reedsy to find an editor, Jim Spivey, to plow through Oids and tear it apart in an effort to make it a better book.
I sent all 899 pages (in 6″ x9″ book format) to Jim Sunday night.
So….Oids – New Arcadia has met a major milestone. I’ve finished the writing, self-edited 3 times through and have now sent it off to a professional editor.
Now I sit back and wait. I’ll use this time to start work on a new project, something completely different, but a story I am very familiar with….more on that at a later time.